Ordinal Variable


            An ordinal variable is a categorical variable for which possible values are ordered. Ordinal variables can be considered in between categorical and quantitative variables. The ordinal variable not only classify persons or objects but also rank them. Intervals between ranks are not equal.

    Characteristics of Ordinal Variable

1. An ordinal variable is a nominal variable, but in different states are ordered in meanigfull sequences.

2. Ordinal data has order but yhe intervals between scales points may be uneven.

3. Because of lack of equal distance, arithmetic operations are impossible, but logical operations can be 

    be performed on the ordinal data.

4. A typical example of an ordinal variable is a socio ecnomic status of the families

    we known the" upper middle" is higher than" middle"but we cannot say how much higher.

    Examples of Ordinal Variable

1. Socio Ecnomic Status (low income, middle income, high income).

2. Educational Level(High School, BS, MS, PhD).

3. Income Level (less than 50k, 50K to 100K, over 100K)

4.Satisfcation( very satisfied, satisfied, unsatisfied, very unsatisfied).


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